Recently, various astrologers are pointing their fingers towards one particular couple, whose passionate dance will color entire archetypal weather of the 2021. The excitation regarding possible outcomes of this long performance is intensified mostly because the both partners comes from totally different dance-schools. While one rules over the material plane of reality, its structures and boundaries, the other dancer’s style reaches beyond all sort of known form disintegrating its regulations and bringing entirely new perspectives.
Saturn, the strict and harsh gatekeeper of our individual self, meets Uranus, the first of the three transpersonal planets whose energies are not only unconcerned with our personal ego, but actually they transcend it inviting us to open up towards completely new ways of world’s experience. At first, it seems impossible that this confrontation ends up inoffensively.
Yet, despite ofenergetically being ad odds with each other, the both partners will certainly find a common ground, facilitated by Aquarius. Using the astrological jargon, both Saturn and Uranus, are the rulers of Aquarian mental waters. Whereas Saturn was associated with the sign of Water Bearer since the rise of traditional astrology (most likely, owning the fact of being the last visible, and thus the last known- planetary object seen with naked eye), Uranus discovery in March 1781 provided Aquarius with a new modern ruler, whosetraitsseems to be definitely a better match suited to the current times.
Since the rhythm of this cosmic tango is familiar for both dancers and they both feel very comfortable with the played music, the main arriving question concerns the actual antagonistic styles. Does the old and traditional structure will dominate over its innovative and rebellious partner, facing it with fear and disdain, or rather the new perspectives will be gradually overthrowing the leadership of outdated authorities? Which energy will run the show?
Eventually, this 11 months long planetary tango will have its three high-pitched moments when both partners will need to face each other in a shaky but powerful embrace. The perfect square aspect between them, occurs 17th of February, 15th of June and,the last one, 24th of December.In the meantime, they will keep actively following each other with every twist and bounce, trying to strike a balance after the possible initial bravado.
Astrology, being the science of the Cycles of Life, knows well that this particular tango of 2021 between authoritarian Saturn and independent Uranus is a continuation of the cyclic, approximately 45 years long, bigger performance.
Usually, their closer celestial meetings corresponds to the societal clashes between the traditional and modern narratives, inviting rebelliousness and innovation into the public sphere.The present show started in 1988 as a conjunction, was followed by the series of waxing squares (1998-2001) and reached its full phase (opposition) in the years 2008-2010.
Current meeting of these two players hits the waning phase dynamic, what may suggest more contemplative character of their encounter. After arriving at its peak during the full phase approx. 11-12 years ago, now it looks like the cosmic couple would like to ask us about the effectiveness of our societal model that happened to bloom in the years 2008-2010
The technological marathon and the boost of science is definitely the Uranian domain. This compulsive drive to transcend and upgrade prevailing circumstances has its obvious goal: liberation from all restrictions in quest for an unbounded freedom. Therefore, Uranian visions will be always tinted with revolution, an unexpected turmoil and surprising shifts just for the sake of transcending what has been previously established. That, what has been already known and consequently accepted, receivesthreads/uplifts from the unknown.
The scary unpredictability linked with this electrifying energy represented by Uranus is something that new- age lovers of astrology forgot about while painting their rosy vision of Aquarius. Naturally, the expansion of consciousness, the transcendent union between all living beings, the upgrade of mental perceptions, all this is also contained in Uranian paradigm. There is no doubt about that.
However, while dealing with archetypal energies in astrology, we need to always be reminded by one particular occult axiom: the energy follows thought. This implicates, that our intentions and thoughts are the main regulators of the energy flow. In the case of Uranus, where one can use its charged impulse to trigger the necessary breakthroughs as an uplift of societal structures, the other may apply the same energy to manifest one’s own twisted revolutionary reforms in way of destructing the previous -even well prosperous – model.
The pure creative restlessness and its outcomes do not have any intrinsic worth, unless we dress them up with it. This particular apparent indifference is one of the main Uranian traits, which can be considered as a ability of being extremely objective from one side, orruthless and heartless form the other.
Looking at it from more spiritual perspective, our level of awareness, hence the level of our compassion towards oneself and others, is the main factor of how this radical energies will manifest in our lives. Will it be received as an uplift or rather as a downfall?
Since 2019, Uranus has been slowly transiting the earthy sign of Taurus, hence its impact is on the collective will be colored by this archetype. Astrologically, the only thing that unites Uranus with Taurus is the their inflexibility.
Taurus is strongly tied with everything that grants our survival. Consequently, the importance of resources (as inner: i.e. self-esteem, so the outer: i.e. money) helps us to verify our values. No matter if we are supplied by the home-grown vegetables or by monthly transfer of numbers to our bank accounts, the way how we care for ourselves builds our value system, which we eagerly tend to project on others.
Uranus wearing the Taurean outfit for the next 5 years, will eventually force many of us to verify some of the old-maintained values, especially those based on accumulation ofmaterial wealth.
The dramatic circumstances of global pandemic showed clearly that the world distribution and control of resources has nothing to do with actual survival. It is regulated by the constant gratification of individual desires, inflated to some unimaginable huge proportions. The saddest part of it is actually the way how we get used to it, allowing international corporations to bring our local suppliers to their knees.
Current economic system has played tricks on our own sense of inner resources,pinning them up to the greater network regulated by artificially regulated growth. Consequently, our self-worth becomes another marketplace molded according “to have” rather then “to be”.
In contradiction to it’s Scorpio polarity ( dependency), the sign of the Bull represents self-reliance and autonomy. The journey of Uranus through Taurean landscapes may suddenly disclose how far we have gone in sacrificing our own sufficiency for the sake of the new master: global economy.
Why in our local grocery shops, instead of locally grown products we are forced to buy the very same vegetables but cultivated in the other side of the world? There must be something really wrong with the system when the long-distanced economic profit triumphs over the local environment.
Taurus is an earth sign closely linked with ecosystem, natural world and the Mother Nature, hence with our fundamental environment which endows us with life. How often we forgot about it? The gradual abuse and destruction of natural resources in the name of progress puts in danger our own survival. Due to capitalization of our basic needs, we have started to equate our inner-power with constant inflow of money, completely forgetting about the fundamentals: the Earth.
Too often, when Uranian lighting suddenly strikes our awareness, its discharge is experienced as an traumatic event. Yet, sometimes this painful jolt seems to be a only way out from the danger of total collapse.
Therefore, Uranus in Taurus may apply drastic measures to awaken us from our dreams of constant economic growth, confronting us with ourlimitations imposed by our natural environment.
Before all else, Taurus is strongly related with Nature, and as a worshiper of the natural world, nobody knows so well as the Bull, that every growth is ultimately followed by decay.
The other participant of the current archetypal tango, Saturn represents everything that Uranus is willing to break down. The rigidity of established structures which facilitate integrity of any system, being it political or economical, is the Saturnian domain.
Astrologically, Saturn rules over our bones, emphasizing the paramount importance of the solid structure that frames our physicality and allow us to participate in the external world. From the more spiritual perspective, Saturn frames our consciousness in fixed patterns, allowing us to focus on our individual path. Under his strict guidance, in the course of our lives, we are gainingthe mastery in managing our fears, complexes and internal blockages.
He is our master teacher, whose rigorous finger points toward the field that requires our attention, responsibility and -very often- greater discipline. Esoterically, being the “Dweller of the Threshold”, Saturn stays on the limits of our personal world, awaiting for our readiness to embrace more sublime realms of existence. Jungian scholars knows too well, that individuation (Uranus) requires a deep dive into the world of our inner psychological restrictions (Saturn).
Past year, Saturn’s arrival at Aquarian door, was met with an enormous excitement, even from the mainstream that does not want to have anything to do with astrology. Right on the doorstep at 00 deg. Aquarius, the ringed planet was welcomed by his great neighbor, Jupiter, both starting their 20 years long cycle.
During his stay in Aquarius until march 2023, Saturn’s penetrating gaze will be focused on spotting all the weakness and cracks in the social structures of our society.
Saturn’s co-rulership of the sign of Water Bearer illustrates that this ringed planet with its inherent drive to create durable structures is surprisingly welcomed in this rebellious and known for innovations sign. How that is actually possible?
Actually, without Saturn’s earthy-based scrutiny, Uranian tendency to revolutionize would not necessarily end up so well. The profound surveillance ascribed to Saturn allows to keep the modern ruler’s addiction to transcend in check. Therefore, the balanced expression of Aquarian energy requires a healthy collaboration of both extremes. After all, there is no freedom without responsibility.
Nonetheless, as currently Saturn is making his first steps within the Aquarian field, the propensity for vigilance and control might set a tone for the whole 2021.
The sign of Water bearer, as a symbol of humanity, accentuates the union and solidarity between all the members of society at large. Without Saturn’s helping hand, the idea of equality might have been associated rather with the bloody revolutions held by Uranian unstoppable frenzy, then with the fair and peaceful distribution of privileges and wealth.
Saturn, in his passageway through Aquarian visionary waters, will ask us collectively about how egalitarian our modern world actually is. During the next year we will be confronted with unpleasant truths about some profound divisions. Unfortunately, we have been collectively constructing these separative walls between each other by obsessively sticking to our convictions, but also by an imposed attitude of being competitive.
By accumulating more and more we are separating ourselves from each other, creating an illusion of being emotionally self- sufficient. This delusive attitude is like a disease that slowly kills our relationship with greater whole and our healthy participation in society.
From the archetypal perspective, the Free-spirited Water Bearer gently pours the mental waters supplying the thirsty humanity with equally distributed opportunities. The blood circling through the body does not distinguish between the liver cells and those of the smallest finger of our feet. It nourishes them uniformly, without asking about the importance of their roles. The Nature providing us with our circulatory system knew that the teamwork between all of our billions of cells is the real key to maintain good health.
Correspondingly, the archetype of Aquarius stresses the significance ofour essential interconnectednessas the main factor that secures prosperity of our society.
With Saturn clothed with the Aquarian vibe, we might be reminded, as never before, that the society based on cooperation is simply way more natural and healthier then the one based on competitiveness. After all, if any cell would start to compete with the other, we would not get the best prognosis for the future.
Astrology connects both symbols, Uranus and Saturn, via the very archetype of Aquarius, with which both planets finds their resonance. Saturn, by being placed in that sign during the whole year, despite of the – apparently – stressful alignment with Uranus by square, will rather look for the common ground with his partner instead of pulling him away.
Every astrological square ignites the fires of conflicts. asking for the best remedy for quenching them. The current alignment between Saturn and Uranus is known in modern astrology as the “crisis in consciousness”. This closing square(270 deg) within the planetary phasebrings a bit different style in the final release. This time, instead of agitated movements and imperious entrances, the tone is perhaps less forceful but definitely more pensive and serious. It is concerned with he past.
In this contemplative mood, Saturn and Uranus, in their current dialog, will discuss everything that has gone astray in the last 33 yearsregardingthe basic structures of our society and the role of our individual freedom within it. Due to the Tauruan influence of Uranus, their archetypal tango will -often painfully- reveal us all the cracks and bruises in the body of our society caused byour total dependency on the global economic networks.
The notion of freedom (Uranus) based on self-reliance (Taurus) is definitely something that the global structure of technocratic society (Saturn in Aquarius) founded on constantgrowth wants us to be ignorant about. Despite of constant mainstream juggling with the concepts of democracy and freedom, the system of economic slavery has nothing to do with none of them.
The global capitalization of resources has made us believe that to be self-sufficient is something that man is incapable of. And indeed, man alone cannot be completely self-sustained, or at least that is not what his human nature is about. Yet, instead of constant accumulation of goods (Taurus), sharing them in the network of exchange (Aquarius) seems to be much more natural, and thus healthierexpression of human cooperation.
Saturn’s dance with Uranus will reveal our over-dependency on distant bureaucracies (Saturn in Aquarius) which shape our self-validation, instead of being reliant on the local ecosystem with its web of inherent interconnectedness (Uranus in Taurus). Therefore, we will be witnessing gradual emergence of the “getting local” movement, already started as a response to the circumstances forced upon us by various lockdowns.
Uranus is the planet of innovations, high tech,and virtual web of networks.Form one side, it’s placement in Taurus may stress the use of virtual space to tighten our dependency on global capitalistic chain. For example, the role that social media has been playing in our lives as an enhancer of our individuality seems to become history. Nowadays, our collective notions of personal freedom turned into the most profitable product chained to the globalized economy.The crisis of consciousness inbuilt in Saturn’s dance with Uranus may bring us some obscure revelations about how far we have gone as individuals in adopting collective mass-produced-values dictated by big international concerns supported by social media.
Fortunately, there is also a growing number of young data developers, whose skills go hand in hand with passion for building a totally new model of sustained local economies. This emerging groups of creative entrepreneurs pave the way to the new concept of socialinteractions whose main goal is sustainability of the local communities, rather then their dependency on global economic chains.
The enforced detachment from our blind participation in the society (Saturn in Aquarius) caused by pandemic sheds light upon the fakeness and destructiveness of our economic model (Uranus in Taurus). Suddenly, with shutting down the air traffic and slowing down our consumption’s habits, it seems like the quality of air and well-being of the natural ecosystems increased.
Obviously, many has lost their jobs, but still do not lost their lives due to the pollution or criminal extraction of natural resources in their closest neighborhood, as it has beenthe case in various places in the – mostly non-western – world.
This necessary break gives us time to look for the new possibilities to steer the developments of a new model of an self-sustained economy, where the significance of what is local overtakes what is distant.
Re-prioritizingour values and re-inventing the definition of resources (Uranus in Taurus) might be the greatest gift offered to the humanity by the tiny virus.
Saturn’s tango with Uranus will definitely make us turn our gaze into the new more sustainable solutions.
Not many astrologers include Chiron while interpreting relation between Saturn and Uranus in the astrological charts. This cosmic archetype of the wounded healer, usually, stays alone sharing his tormenting stories about the nature of his pain, as well as pointing towards remedies to alleviate it. Yet, if we – asastrologers – dare to listen more carefully to Chiron’s silent mourning contained in the birth chart, we will recognize his very close relation to the story told by the mutual relation ofSaturn and Uranus.
Not only astrology but also astronomy of the centaur Chiron (part asteroid, part minor planet) is strongly related with the orbits of Saturn and Uranus.Chiron’s strongly elliptical loop crosses the orbits of both planets presenting itself as a mediator between two completely different realities: the one wrapped with material and temporallimitations (Saturn) and the other one, envisioning the greater scheme of life that goes beyond what has been known.
Therefore, due to his passageway, Chiron with his healing energy, serves as an agent of integration of two dimensions, bridging our temporal limited consciousness(Saturn) with our timeless unconscious drives towards liberation (Uranus). In this journey, he brings the the pieces of spiritual inspiration and enlightenment to the realm of our apparently limited mind frames, expanding the latter and allowing us to grow. As C.G Jung once stated: “There’s no coming to consciousness without pain”. The dynamic between, Saturn, Chiron and Uranus, within the birth chart, describes the individual nature of that process.
In the current dance, both partners can count on the Chiron’s helping hand managing their cosmic performance from the backstage. Over the next year, Chiron will be patiently following the two dancers making strong aspects to both of them in the moments of the highest tension.
Self being placed in Aries, he will emphasize the painful wound related to our collective sense of powerlessness partly originated in entrusting our lives in the hands of others.
Also, Chiron’s journey through Aries mayremind us about how far we went into betraying our own humanness in glorifying competition as the main indicator of being assertive, and thus successful. The deep wound originated in the over-inflation of ego will start to bleed, in order to my finally become cured.
Chiron will energetically support Saturn’sdance by sextile (60 deg.) throughout the whole year. This strong link between two planets indicates, that Saturn’s finger pointed towards (dis)functionality of our society, eventually, will have to directly touch Chiron’spain.
As usually, the initial procedure of disinfection is not the most pleasant one. Yet, this time, due to harmonious nature of a sextile aspect, the whole performance will be focused rather in the process of healing then in painful opening of the wound.
As we could all have seen, the constant flow of new restrictions inhibiting ourparticipation in society (Saturn in Aquarius) has an enormous potential for re-inventing our roles within it. We have been collectively forced (Saturn) to reflect about the style in which we conquer the world and assert ourselves.Chiron’s placement in Aries suggests that this particular style is the very reason to our collective pain.
The temporal lockdown of the system gives us a precious time to acknowledge how our identities has been replaced with our economic efficiency. We have been told that the accelerated tempo that we adjust our lives to is something pretty normal if we want our life to be decent one.
To be constantly busy has been something admirable, as it has been equated with the successful life. With Saturn in sextile to Chiron in Aries, we finally have been given a break.
Obviously, as the old model of society reinforces the notion of pushing forward no matter the circumstances, for many of us, being forcefully detached from our daily activities has turned our emotional stability into pieces.
To not feel comfortable in one’s own company is not a sign of a good life. The extremely high number of suicides during the lockdowns is not a good sign of the healthy society either. To rest and slow down is something that we perhaps need to learn.
The energy inherent in the sextile aspect tends to bring new ways of understanding and new attitudes. Now, as we have been given this precious time, we have an extreme opportunity to adopt the healthy model of our participation with the world (and with ourselves) leaving an old mindset of ceaseless conquest behind us.
New perspectives might come through painful recognition of how our right to existhas been totally blown out of proportions damaging not only our own race, but our ecosystems and the whole planet. Sextile aspect between Chiron and Saturn gives us an enormous potential in turning ourselves from being exploiters to the care-takers.
Serving as the mediator between two cosmic dancers, other hand of Chiron tightly holds Uranus by an aspect of semi-sextile (30 deg.). This configuration, same as the handshake with Saturn, will last the whole year, bringing the energy of both partners closer together.
This particular Uranus-Chiron contact will make it clear, that the only way to heal our sense of identity (Chiron) leads through re-invention of our value systems. It also points out that the reason of the collective suffering is directly related with alienation from own self-confidence by handing it over to the global chain of mass-produced values. This collective wound inflicted mostly by the capitalistic narratives of self-aggrandizement,now receives a big potential for healing, but only if we dare to revolutionize our consumption by simplify our needs. Does the plastic “goods” produced in the other side of the world really makes us to be a better person?
Do we really have to spend our lives in accumulating more and more material things? And if not, so why themainstream constantly encourages to do so? It simply does not feel right.
The global pandemic and consequent lockdowns opens our eyes about the true mechanisms to which we decided – as a society – to surrender our humanness.The impatient calls to “bring our life-styles back to normal”, showsthat – collectively –we even started to associate what is sick and unbalanced with the normal condition of our existence.
This year’s planetary tango will answer all our doubts about which direction we are supposed to follow if we really want to survive as a species. Naturally, the question is if we only dare to listen.
Recently, various astrologers are pointing their fingers towards one particular couple, whose passionate dance will color entire archetypal weather of the 2021. The excitation regarding possible outcomes of this long performance is intensified mostly because the both partners comes from totally different dance-schools. While one rules over the material plane of reality, its structures and boundaries, the other dancer’s style reaches beyond all sort of known form disintegrating its regulations and bringing entirely new perspectives.
Saturn, the strict and harsh gatekeeper of our individual self, meets Uranus, the first of the three transpersonal planets whose energies are not only unconcerned with our personal ego, but actually they transcend it inviting us to open up towards completely new ways of world’s experience. At first, it seems impossible that this confrontation ends up inoffensively.
Yet, despite ofenergetically being ad odds with each other, the both partners will certainly find a common ground, facilitated by Aquarius. Using the astrological jargon, both Saturn and Uranus, are the rulers of Aquarian mental waters. Whereas Saturn was associated with the sign of Water Bearer since the rise of traditional astrology (most likely, owning the fact of being the last visible, and thus the last known- planetary object seen with naked eye), Uranus discovery in March 1781 provided Aquarius with a new modern ruler, whosetraitsseems to be definitely a better match suited to the current times.
Since the rhythm of this cosmic tango is familiar for both dancers and they both feel very comfortable with the played music, the main arriving question concerns the actual antagonistic styles. Does the old and traditional structure will dominate over its innovative and rebellious partner, facing it with fear and disdain, or rather the new perspectives will be gradually overthrowing the leadership of outdated authorities? Which energy will run the show?
Eventually, this 11 months long planetary tango will have its three high-pitched moments when both partners will need to face each other in a shaky but powerful embrace. The perfect square aspect between them, occurs 17th of February, 15th of June and,the last one, 24th of December.In the meantime, they will keep actively following each other with every twist and bounce, trying to strike a balance after the possible initial bravado.
Astrology, being the science of the Cycles of Life, knows well that this particular tango of 2021 between authoritarian Saturn and independent Uranus is a continuation of the cyclic, approximately 45 years long, bigger performance.
Usually, their closer celestial meetings corresponds to the societal clashes between the traditional and modern narratives, inviting rebelliousness and innovation into the public sphere.The present show started in 1988 as a conjunction, was followed by the series of waxing squares (1998-2001) and reached its full phase (opposition) in the years 2008-2010.
Current meeting of these two players hits the waning phase dynamic, what may suggest more contemplative character of their encounter. After arriving at its peak during the full phase approx. 11-12 years ago, now it looks like the cosmic couple would like to ask us about the effectiveness of our societal model that happened to bloom in the years 2008-2010
The technological marathon and the boost of science is definitely the Uranian domain. This compulsive drive to transcend and upgrade prevailing circumstances has its obvious goal: liberation from all restrictions in quest for an unbounded freedom. Therefore, Uranian visions will be always tinted with revolution, an unexpected turmoil and surprising shifts just for the sake of transcending what has been previously established. That, what has been already known and consequently accepted, receivesthreads/uplifts from the unknown.
The scary unpredictability linked with this electrifying energy represented by Uranus is something that new- age lovers of astrology forgot about while painting their rosy vision of Aquarius. Naturally, the expansion of consciousness, the transcendent union between all living beings, the upgrade of mental perceptions, all this is also contained in Uranian paradigm. There is no doubt about that.
However, while dealing with archetypal energies in astrology, we need to always be reminded by one particular occult axiom: the energy follows thought. This implicates, that our intentions and thoughts are the main regulators of the energy flow. In the case of Uranus, where one can use its charged impulse to trigger the necessary breakthroughs as an uplift of societal structures, the other may apply the same energy to manifest one’s own twisted revolutionary reforms in way of destructing the previous -even well prosperous – model.
The pure creative restlessness and its outcomes do not have any intrinsic worth, unless we dress them up with it. This particular apparent indifference is one of the main Uranian traits, which can be considered as a ability of being extremely objective from one side, orruthless and heartless form the other.
Looking at it from more spiritual perspective, our level of awareness, hence the level of our compassion towards oneself and others, is the main factor of how this radical energies will manifest in our lives. Will it be received as an uplift or rather as a downfall?
Since 2019, Uranus has been slowly transiting the earthy sign of Taurus, hence its impact is on the collective will be colored by this archetype. Astrologically, the only thing that unites Uranus with Taurus is the their inflexibility.
Taurus is strongly tied with everything that grants our survival. Consequently, the importance of resources (as inner: i.e. self-esteem, so the outer: i.e. money) helps us to verify our values. No matter if we are supplied by the home-grown vegetables or by monthly transfer of numbers to our bank accounts, the way how we care for ourselves builds our value system, which we eagerly tend to project on others.
Uranus wearing the Taurean outfit for the next 5 years, will eventually force many of us to verify some of the old-maintained values, especially those based on accumulation ofmaterial wealth.
The dramatic circumstances of global pandemic showed clearly that the world distribution and control of resources has nothing to do with actual survival. It is regulated by the constant gratification of individual desires, inflated to some unimaginable huge proportions. The saddest part of it is actually the way how we get used to it, allowing international corporations to bring our local suppliers to their knees.
Current economic system has played tricks on our own sense of inner resources,pinning them up to the greater network regulated by artificially regulated growth. Consequently, our self-worth becomes another marketplace molded according “to have” rather then “to be”.
In contradiction to it’s Scorpio polarity ( dependency), the sign of the Bull represents self-reliance and autonomy. The journey of Uranus through Taurean landscapes may suddenly disclose how far we have gone in sacrificing our own sufficiency for the sake of the new master: global economy.
Why in our local grocery shops, instead of locally grown products we are forced to buy the very same vegetables but cultivated in the other side of the world? There must be something really wrong with the system when the long-distanced economic profit triumphs over the local environment.
Taurus is an earth sign closely linked with ecosystem, natural world and the Mother Nature, hence with our fundamental environment which endows us with life. How often we forgot about it? The gradual abuse and destruction of natural resources in the name of progress puts in danger our own survival. Due to capitalization of our basic needs, we have started to equate our inner-power with constant inflow of money, completely forgetting about the fundamentals: the Earth.
Too often, when Uranian lighting suddenly strikes our awareness, its discharge is experienced as an traumatic event. Yet, sometimes this painful jolt seems to be a only way out from the danger of total collapse.
Therefore, Uranus in Taurus may apply drastic measures to awaken us from our dreams of constant economic growth, confronting us with ourlimitations imposed by our natural environment.
Before all else, Taurus is strongly related with Nature, and as a worshiper of the natural world, nobody knows so well as the Bull, that every growth is ultimately followed by decay.
The other participant of the current archetypal tango, Saturn represents everything that Uranus is willing to break down. The rigidity of established structures which facilitate integrity of any system, being it political or economical, is the Saturnian domain.
Astrologically, Saturn rules over our bones, emphasizing the paramount importance of the solid structure that frames our physicality and allow us to participate in the external world. From the more spiritual perspective, Saturn frames our consciousness in fixed patterns, allowing us to focus on our individual path. Under his strict guidance, in the course of our lives, we are gainingthe mastery in managing our fears, complexes and internal blockages.
He is our master teacher, whose rigorous finger points toward the field that requires our attention, responsibility and -very often- greater discipline. Esoterically, being the “Dweller of the Threshold”, Saturn stays on the limits of our personal world, awaiting for our readiness to embrace more sublime realms of existence. Jungian scholars knows too well, that individuation (Uranus) requires a deep dive into the world of our inner psychological restrictions (Saturn).
Past year, Saturn’s arrival at Aquarian door, was met with an enormous excitement, even from the mainstream that does not want to have anything to do with astrology. Right on the doorstep at 00 deg. Aquarius, the ringed planet was welcomed by his great neighbor, Jupiter, both starting their 20 years long cycle.
During his stay in Aquarius until march 2023, Saturn’s penetrating gaze will be focused on spotting all the weakness and cracks in the social structures of our society.
Saturn’s co-rulership of the sign of Water Bearer illustrates that this ringed planet with its inherent drive to create durable structures is surprisingly welcomed in this rebellious and known for innovations sign. How that is actually possible?
Actually, without Saturn’s earthy-based scrutiny, Uranian tendency to revolutionize would not necessarily end up so well. The profound surveillance ascribed to Saturn allows to keep the modern ruler’s addiction to transcend in check. Therefore, the balanced expression of Aquarian energy requires a healthy collaboration of both extremes. After all, there is no freedom without responsibility.
Nonetheless, as currently Saturn is making his first steps within the Aquarian field, the propensity for vigilance and control might set a tone for the whole 2021.
The sign of Water bearer, as a symbol of humanity, accentuates the union and solidarity between all the members of society at large. Without Saturn’s helping hand, the idea of equality might have been associated rather with the bloody revolutions held by Uranian unstoppable frenzy, then with the fair and peaceful distribution of privileges and wealth.
Saturn, in his passageway through Aquarian visionary waters, will ask us collectively about how egalitarian our modern world actually is. During the next year we will be confronted with unpleasant truths about some profound divisions. Unfortunately, we have been collectively constructing these separative walls between each other by obsessively sticking to our convictions, but also by an imposed attitude of being competitive.
By accumulating more and more we are separating ourselves from each other, creating an illusion of being emotionally self- sufficient. This delusive attitude is like a disease that slowly kills our relationship with greater whole and our healthy participation in society.
From the archetypal perspective, the Free-spirited Water Bearer gently pours the mental waters supplying the thirsty humanity with equally distributed opportunities. The blood circling through the body does not distinguish between the liver cells and those of the smallest finger of our feet. It nourishes them uniformly, without asking about the importance of their roles. The Nature providing us with our circulatory system knew that the teamwork between all of our billions of cells is the real key to maintain good health.
Correspondingly, the archetype of Aquarius stresses the significance ofour essential interconnectednessas the main factor that secures prosperity of our society.
With Saturn clothed with the Aquarian vibe, we might be reminded, as never before, that the society based on cooperation is simply way more natural and healthier then the one based on competitiveness. After all, if any cell would start to compete with the other, we would not get the best prognosis for the future.
Astrology connects both symbols, Uranus and Saturn, via the very archetype of Aquarius, with which both planets finds their resonance. Saturn, by being placed in that sign during the whole year, despite of the – apparently – stressful alignment with Uranus by square, will rather look for the common ground with his partner instead of pulling him away.
Every astrological square ignites the fires of conflicts. asking for the best remedy for quenching them. The current alignment between Saturn and Uranus is known in modern astrology as the “crisis in consciousness”. This closing square(270 deg) within the planetary phasebrings a bit different style in the final release. This time, instead of agitated movements and imperious entrances, the tone is perhaps less forceful but definitely more pensive and serious. It is concerned with he past.
In this contemplative mood, Saturn and Uranus, in their current dialog, will discuss everything that has gone astray in the last 33 yearsregardingthe basic structures of our society and the role of our individual freedom within it. Due to the Tauruan influence of Uranus, their archetypal tango will -often painfully- reveal us all the cracks and bruises in the body of our society caused byour total dependency on the global economic networks.
The notion of freedom (Uranus) based on self-reliance (Taurus) is definitely something that the global structure of technocratic society (Saturn in Aquarius) founded on constantgrowth wants us to be ignorant about. Despite of constant mainstream juggling with the concepts of democracy and freedom, the system of economic slavery has nothing to do with none of them.
The global capitalization of resources has made us believe that to be self-sufficient is something that man is incapable of. And indeed, man alone cannot be completely self-sustained, or at least that is not what his human nature is about. Yet, instead of constant accumulation of goods (Taurus), sharing them in the network of exchange (Aquarius) seems to be much more natural, and thus healthierexpression of human cooperation.
Saturn’s dance with Uranus will reveal our over-dependency on distant bureaucracies (Saturn in Aquarius) which shape our self-validation, instead of being reliant on the local ecosystem with its web of inherent interconnectedness (Uranus in Taurus). Therefore, we will be witnessing gradual emergence of the “getting local” movement, already started as a response to the circumstances forced upon us by various lockdowns.
Uranus is the planet of innovations, high tech,and virtual web of networks.Form one side, it’s placement in Taurus may stress the use of virtual space to tighten our dependency on global capitalistic chain. For example, the role that social media has been playing in our lives as an enhancer of our individuality seems to become history. Nowadays, our collective notions of personal freedom turned into the most profitable product chained to the globalized economy.The crisis of consciousness inbuilt in Saturn’s dance with Uranus may bring us some obscure revelations about how far we have gone as individuals in adopting collective mass-produced-values dictated by big international concerns supported by social media.
Fortunately, there is also a growing number of young data developers, whose skills go hand in hand with passion for building a totally new model of sustained local economies. This emerging groups of creative entrepreneurs pave the way to the new concept of socialinteractions whose main goal is sustainability of the local communities, rather then their dependency on global economic chains.
The enforced detachment from our blind participation in the society (Saturn in Aquarius) caused by pandemic sheds light upon the fakeness and destructiveness of our economic model (Uranus in Taurus). Suddenly, with shutting down the air traffic and slowing down our consumption’s habits, it seems like the quality of air and well-being of the natural ecosystems increased.
Obviously, many has lost their jobs, but still do not lost their lives due to the pollution or criminal extraction of natural resources in their closest neighborhood, as it has beenthe case in various places in the – mostly non-western – world.
This necessary break gives us time to look for the new possibilities to steer the developments of a new model of an self-sustained economy, where the significance of what is local overtakes what is distant.
Re-prioritizingour values and re-inventing the definition of resources (Uranus in Taurus) might be the greatest gift offered to the humanity by the tiny virus.
Saturn’s tango with Uranus will definitely make us turn our gaze into the new more sustainable solutions.
Not many astrologers include Chiron while interpreting relation between Saturn and Uranus in the astrological charts. This cosmic archetype of the wounded healer, usually, stays alone sharing his tormenting stories about the nature of his pain, as well as pointing towards remedies to alleviate it. Yet, if we – asastrologers – dare to listen more carefully to Chiron’s silent mourning contained in the birth chart, we will recognize his very close relation to the story told by the mutual relation ofSaturn and Uranus.
Not only astrology but also astronomy of the centaur Chiron (part asteroid, part minor planet) is strongly related with the orbits of Saturn and Uranus.Chiron’s strongly elliptical loop crosses the orbits of both planets presenting itself as a mediator between two completely different realities: the one wrapped with material and temporallimitations (Saturn) and the other one, envisioning the greater scheme of life that goes beyond what has been known.
Therefore, due to his passageway, Chiron with his healing energy, serves as an agent of integration of two dimensions, bridging our temporal limited consciousness(Saturn) with our timeless unconscious drives towards liberation (Uranus). In this journey, he brings the the pieces of spiritual inspiration and enlightenment to the realm of our apparently limited mind frames, expanding the latter and allowing us to grow. As C.G Jung once stated: “There’s no coming to consciousness without pain”. The dynamic between, Saturn, Chiron and Uranus, within the birth chart, describes the individual nature of that process.
In the current dance, both partners can count on the Chiron’s helping hand managing their cosmic performance from the backstage. Over the next year, Chiron will be patiently following the two dancers making strong aspects to both of them in the moments of the highest tension.
Self being placed in Aries, he will emphasize the painful wound related to our collective sense of powerlessness partly originated in entrusting our lives in the hands of others.
Also, Chiron’s journey through Aries mayremind us about how far we went into betraying our own humanness in glorifying competition as the main indicator of being assertive, and thus successful. The deep wound originated in the over-inflation of ego will start to bleed, in order to my finally become cured.
Chiron will energetically support Saturn’sdance by sextile (60 deg.) throughout the whole year. This strong link between two planets indicates, that Saturn’s finger pointed towards (dis)functionality of our society, eventually, will have to directly touch Chiron’spain.
As usually, the initial procedure of disinfection is not the most pleasant one. Yet, this time, due to harmonious nature of a sextile aspect, the whole performance will be focused rather in the process of healing then in painful opening of the wound.
As we could all have seen, the constant flow of new restrictions inhibiting ourparticipation in society (Saturn in Aquarius) has an enormous potential for re-inventing our roles within it. We have been collectively forced (Saturn) to reflect about the style in which we conquer the world and assert ourselves.Chiron’s placement in Aries suggests that this particular style is the very reason to our collective pain.
The temporal lockdown of the system gives us a precious time to acknowledge how our identities has been replaced with our economic efficiency. We have been told that the accelerated tempo that we adjust our lives to is something pretty normal if we want our life to be decent one.
To be constantly busy has been something admirable, as it has been equated with the successful life. With Saturn in sextile to Chiron in Aries, we finally have been given a break.
Obviously, as the old model of society reinforces the notion of pushing forward no matter the circumstances, for many of us, being forcefully detached from our daily activities has turned our emotional stability into pieces.
To not feel comfortable in one’s own company is not a sign of a good life. The extremely high number of suicides during the lockdowns is not a good sign of the healthy society either. To rest and slow down is something that we perhaps need to learn.
The energy inherent in the sextile aspect tends to bring new ways of understanding and new attitudes. Now, as we have been given this precious time, we have an extreme opportunity to adopt the healthy model of our participation with the world (and with ourselves) leaving an old mindset of ceaseless conquest behind us.
New perspectives might come through painful recognition of how our right to existhas been totally blown out of proportions damaging not only our own race, but our ecosystems and the whole planet. Sextile aspect between Chiron and Saturn gives us an enormous potential in turning ourselves from being exploiters to the care-takers.
Serving as the mediator between two cosmic dancers, other hand of Chiron tightly holds Uranus by an aspect of semi-sextile (30 deg.). This configuration, same as the handshake with Saturn, will last the whole year, bringing the energy of both partners closer together.
This particular Uranus-Chiron contact will make it clear, that the only way to heal our sense of identity (Chiron) leads through re-invention of our value systems. It also points out that the reason of the collective suffering is directly related with alienation from own self-confidence by handing it over to the global chain of mass-produced values. This collective wound inflicted mostly by the capitalistic narratives of self-aggrandizement,now receives a big potential for healing, but only if we dare to revolutionize our consumption by simplify our needs. Does the plastic “goods” produced in the other side of the world really makes us to be a better person?
Do we really have to spend our lives in accumulating more and more material things? And if not, so why themainstream constantly encourages to do so? It simply does not feel right.
The global pandemic and consequent lockdowns opens our eyes about the true mechanisms to which we decided – as a society – to surrender our humanness.The impatient calls to “bring our life-styles back to normal”, showsthat – collectively –we even started to associate what is sick and unbalanced with the normal condition of our existence.
This year’s planetary tango will answer all our doubts about which direction we are supposed to follow if we really want to survive as a species. Naturally, the question is if we only dare to listen.