There are so many definitions of astrology, as many astrologers practicing it. However, no matter how many explanations and methods originate from this old science of interpretation, all of them bear one thing in common: all of them are form of an Art.
While experiencing the work of art, we are exposed to two apparently different realities. Something from “outside” works within our “inside”. We instinctively find deeper meaning through symbolic representations, that could not be grasped by any other form. We just feel it and we know it feels right. There’s no need for logic to help us here. Actually, when dealing with art, the busy mind becomes still. The power of an image is at work, speaking individually to all of us.

My task as a practicing astrologer is not to explain the mechanisms of how astrology works. The knowledge of chemical structure of a paint will not add more value to an oil painting. Especially for the art admirers.
Therefore, while describing astrology, I will use symbols and metaphors, paying due respects to this magnificent art of listening the Universe.
Therefore, while describing astrology, I will use symbols and metaphors, paying due respects to this magnificent art of listening the Universe.
There are so many definitions of astrology, as many astrologers practicing it. However, no matter how many explanations and methods originate from this old science of interpretation, all of them bear one thing in common: all of them are form of an Art.
While experiencing the work of art, we are exposed to two apparently different realities. Something from “outside” works within our “inside”. We instinctively find deeper meaning through symbolic representations, that could not be grasped by any other form. We just feel it and we know it feels right. There’s no need for logic to help us here. Actually, when dealing with art, the busy mind becomes still. The power of an image is at work, speaking individually to all of us.